Black Lives Matter

June 8, 2020

Racism is not a series of discrete acts against any individual, but a systemic problem throughout American culture and society. We as educators have a responsibility to actively address and dismantle the system, especially those of us who are white. Over and over again, people of color are asking us to step up and make the needed changes to the system we created.


Wy’East Education Association acknowledges that members of our learning community experience racism. We have seen unintentional and intentional acts in our classrooms, hallways, and online arenas. We need support from the top-down to take a strong stance in forging a more welcoming environment for all of our students and staff, especially for the most historically marginalized. In the past, our community has been predominantly white and perhaps we didn’t always see the need to specifically address racism. These commitments are overdue and this is the moment to take action. This is best educational practice, but more importantly, it is the right thing to do. Everyone should feel safe while learning. We want a commitment to address racism now in our Oregon Trail School District.


Our commitments include:

  • Opportunities to reflect on our own biases and be more aware of the experiences of our students
  • Seeking professional development training for our staff
  • Requesting mediation and support for our students
  • Adopting a zero tolerance attitude towards prejudice actions, language, and symbols of hate 
  • Celebrating diversity with authenticity and action


We are requesting that the administration join us in creating a district-wide Equity Team to foster systemic change.


In solidarity, 

Wy’East Education Association

PERS Action


Senate Bill 1049 would take money out of your pocket and reduce your retirement security, and it’s moving through the legislature very fast. OEA is doing everything it can to stop these unfair and illegal cuts, but we need YOUR VOICE.


Show up to the Capitol to tell lawmakers NO CUTS TO PERS.

Wednesday, May 22 at 2pm
Oregon State Capitol Steps


Email your lawmaker using this quick tool:


Phone calls are more powerful than emails – CALL your House Representative (and State Senator too, if you have time). Important messages to share are included below. Find lawmaker phone numbers here:

My name is __________ and I’m a teacher/an educator in your district. I’m calling today to urge you to vote no on Senate Bill 1049. Oregon educators already earn 22% per week less than we would in the private sector. We show up every day and do our job and now you want to pull the rug out from under us by cutting our retirement benefits. This bill would make us pay the same into our retirement but reduce our benefit – that isn’t fair. You cannot improve schools by cutting teacher compensation even further and losing educators. Please vote NO on SB 1049 and any cuts to PERS benefits.”

Share on Facebook and tag your lawmaker (find their facebook page > when writing your post, type “@” and then the first few letters of their Facebook page name to tag):

I work hard for my students and for my retirement benefits. Oregon educators already earn 22% per week less than we would in the private sector. Lawmakers should vote NO on Senate Bill 1049. You can’t improve schools by losing educators, and that’s exactly what would happen if this bill passes. @Senator XX XXX and @Representative XXX XXXXX.

These cuts are unfair and illegal and we are joining together with other unions and fighting back.


Today a full 6% of your salary is contributed to your own PERS Individual Account Program. Under SB 1049, part of that contribution would be taken away to pay the state’s pension obligation for people already retired. Instead of a full 6% contribution, it would be reduced to between 3.5% and 5.25%, depending on which PERS Tier Level you are.